Friday, October 24, 2014

Music Interview

I asked three teachers the same questions and surprisingly got very similar answers. Both Mrs. Abromovitz and Ms. Peck listen to 106.7 when they’re in the car. Ms. Peck always sings along but Mrs. A will only sing along when her kids aren’t with her(they wont let her sing.) I listen to the radio way too loudly when I drive. I listen to any station that plays music honestly. I get tired of hearing ads so I scan through channels and when I hear a song that has potential to be decent, I’ll listen. I always sing along, even though I can’t sing. 
Mrs. Peterson answered what kind of music reminded her of her childhood and she answered with 80’s music and heavy metal bands, which is also what Ms. Peck said. I think it’s funny that they think of 80’s music when they think of their childhood and I think of Jonas brothers when I think of mine.
When asked what music reminded her of someone you love, Ms. Peck had two different answers. For Josh, which is her bae, she said Miss You In A Heartbeat by Def Leppard. When she was thinking of her children she said Simple Man reminded her of them. She didn’t really give any reasoning. When I think of music that reminds me of people, I could list so many songs. My best friend and I jam out to so many songs regularly that any time I hear that song I immediately think of them. I think of my mom anytime I hear Blister in The Sun by the Violent Femmes because that was her ringtone for multiple years. She and I used to drive around blaring that and screaming the lyrics. Honestly my mom doesn’t have awful music taste, but I’d never tell her that. 


  1. The way you presented the information was really good. It didn't really seem like a question and answer sort of thing, which would have been really boring.

  2. Blister in the Sun reminds me of my cousin Jeremy, who played that song for me when we were teenagers. It also reminds me of sorority dances in college--we would all crouch down really low to the floor when the song got quiet then jump up when it got loud again. Good times.
