Friday, October 17, 2014

Dan in Real Life Questions

2. Some tips that parents need to take into consideration are simply to remember what it’s like to be a kid. That could be branched off into so many pieces of advice. Kids are going to make mistakes and sometimes parents forget that and expect us to be perfect. This means parents need to try and be patient. Yelling doesn’t help the situation at all, it just makes things tense and uncomfortable. Freaking out about everything is just going to push your kids away. But a final tip is that parents need to be the parent, not a friend to their kids. Don’t be overly protective and strict but also don’t be too relaxed that your kids are going to take advantage of you. The best tip is to find a happy medium of strict and relaxed.
7. I don’t think that you can love someone in three days. I believe that in three days you can develop feelings for someone but love is a little extreme. In order to love someone I feel like you’d need to know a lot about a person. Three days isn’t long enough to figure out all of somebody’s little quirks and annoying habits. Until you can know a persons faults and still want to be with them, I feel like it isn’t love. Three days is basically throwing yourself into a relationship and I feel as though there should be a friend/getting to know each other stage. Three days is long enough to care, but not love.
12. Illicit love is so much more appealing to most people but it also depends on the person. Illicit love is exciting and rebellious. Some people love the idea of something predictable and easy and that’s why they don’t like the idea of “forbidden” love. I think I like the idea of illicit love just because its something unpredictable and exciting. You never know what’ll happen and that’s fun.
27. Teenagers are hard on their parents, but it’s because parents are way too hard on their teenagers. Parents are constantly expecting way too much of us. We struggle to balance school, work and a social life and our parents cant seem to understand that. Things are different now than they were when our parents were teenagers but they don’t see it that way. Anything that goes wrong seems to be the teenagers fault and in retaliation we tend to freak out at our parents. I understand our parents are just trying to keep us safe and be the best parents they can be but sometimes they just go about it all wrong. We don’t mean to be so hard on our parents but sometimes all of the stress just builds up and we can’t handle it anymore.
28. I will admit to being someone that tends to get way too attached way too quickly and that leads to me struggling to move on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not obsessive over my exes or anything. I’m really bad about moving on from old friendships. If a girl and I stop talking, I still feel like it’s my job to check up on them and make sure they’re okay. That ends up hurting me anyway because I care and they don’t. I care too much and that’s the issue. I definitely struggle to get over things.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you should avoid caring "too much" if it's about things (or people) that really matter to you. I've gotten better and better at directing my attention and obsessiveness at things that matter and away from things that don't. Both being a parent and being a teenager are hard...I'll remember your advice to have realistic expectations and be understanding when my son is a teenager, and I hope he will do the same for me. Life is hard--we should go easy on each other.
