Friday, September 19, 2014

Secrets Don't Make Friends (first/last line)

This is the saddest story I have ever heard. Saddest part is, it’s mine. I'm Emily Laker and I grew up believing everything was always good. No bad could ever happen in the world, right? Wrong. Don’t get me wrong. I had a really fantastic childhood, which lasted all the way up until last year honestly. Then I started high school. I went from a really outgoing, fun, happy person. That old Emily is gone.

                It all changed because I made the mistake of trusting someone. My best friend in the entire world that I had literally known since birth, turned on me. You should be able to tell your best friend anything, right? Again, wrong. My secret wasn’t anything too huge, it just kind of snowballed into more than it should have. I told Ellie about my parents’ divorce, every little detail. Maybe that was my mistake. Telling someone something they didn’t actually care about. I don’t know, I needed to talk to someone ya know? She twisted the story around and added some false details to make it more exciting, passed the story along to a girl who hates me, who of course twisted the story even more. Amazingly, the story ended all the way back to my parents, who now are in a worse place than before.

                Thanks to this lovely rumor and all of these snowballed lies, my life is a jumbled up mess. Obviously Ellie and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms. I have no friends, no one to talk to, and a horrible home life. All because I trusted someone and told them about something personal. I told my best friend a secret, and now I have no friends.  Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.

1 comment:

  1. You connected these two lines really well---a scenario we can all probably relate to unfortunately. This reminds me of a quote I saw a while back:

    "Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them." ~Lou Holtz
