Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Angelou Questions
1.I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings is an autobiography written by Maya Angelou. In this she states that a caged bird sings for freedom. It sings to get out and be free to say, do and think whatever it pleases. I think the idea that a caged bird sings for freedom simply means that so many people are caged in by things that make them feel trapped and we’re all crying for help. Whether we actually ask for help to get out or not, we all are caged birds singing. I think I understand this idea because I feel trapped by a lot of things. Most of these things may just be minor things that I over analyze, but they cage me in a way.
3. Angelou wasn’t one to talk about her bad dreams because she didn’t want to give them too much power. I however am the opposite when it comes to discussing bad dreams, news or bad things going on in my life. I have to talk about it or write about it or do something about it. I don’t believe talking about something gives it power. I think that letting something negative sit inside, eating away at my thoughts and consuming my life gives that negative thing power. Talking about things helps me get power and take away power from the bad dreams, thoughts and drama. I understand that if some people talk about a bad thing too often, it completely takes over everything. It gains so much power and can ruin a lot of things. But for me personally, the only time talking about bad news has become too much is when too much drama is going on. High school is full of drama anyway though, so it’s bound to happen. I would still rather discuss bad things then let it eat away at me.
5. Five years is an extremely long time to go without speaking so I know I couldn’t go that long. At least without speaking at all. I am however extremely stubborn so if someone hurts me or makes me mad enough, I’m sure I could go that long without speaking to one person. My record for ignoring someone is a year and four months. I am someone that talks way too often and sometimes I forget to shut my mouth and listen to what other people have to say. If I listened more and spoke less I could learn that there are so many different ways to see life and live life. I think I could be a much better person if I stopped and just listened. At the same time speaking up for myself and others could also help me grow as a person. Overall the best thing I can do is find a happy medium between talking too much and being quiet.
7. I unfortunately am a person that tends to remember every small detail about everything. I almost wish I could be someone who only remembers select things. I remember every stupid thing I’ve said, every mean thing said to me, every mistake I’ve ever made. Of course I remember good things as well, but bad things tend to stay longer and have a bigger impact on me. I know this is probably odd but I honestly remember elementary school more than any other time. I can remember things from fifth grade more than I remember things from freshmen year. I have no idea why, that’s just how it is. I have a really hard time when it comes to talking about/remembering eighth grade and I don’t know if that’s because I’ve tried so hard to forget about it that I’ve finally managed to do so or what. I have really great recollection of funny times. I can be sitting in a silent room and think back to something that happened years ago and randomly start cracking up. I can do the same thing with sad things though. I guess you could say I don’t recall sad, happy, embarrassing or funny things better… I just have a good recollection of anything that had a large impact on my life, for whatever reason.
10. Writing is extremely hard. I never know how to put my jumbled up thoughts into words. I want to be able to write something that makes sense and makes a difference but it really is hard. I think the easiest part is thinking of what I want to say but at the same time that’s the hardest thing

1 comment:

  1. I like what you say about talking away the bad feelings...I can see some truth in this idea of releasing negativity instead of bottling it up. And like you, I remember so much, in so many details, and there are some memories I wish were much fuzzier. And it's always those uncomfortable memories that come to me when I'm trying to fall asleep and keep me up at night questioning myself.
