Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pixie Hollow Sky

Pixie Hollow is a land full of magical things. Miles and miles of beautiful flowers that not only have an enchanted appearance but are also capable of singing with the most beautiful and delicate voices. Surrounding the magical flowers are thousands of trees, each home to its own unique family of fairies. Fairies are kind of like snowflakes, no two are alike. Each fairy has its very own talent and hobby. Of course each fairy is magical, but all would agree on what was most magical about Pixie Hollow…the sky.

The sky in Pixie Hollow is unlike any other sight. The sky is always at least six different shades and colors, ranging from deep orange to a light lilac color. Right before dusk is the most beautiful time of the day. The entire sky is a mix of lavender, silver and baby blue. Every fairy comes out to view the sky, none ever tire of looking at it. To an outsider who doesn’t know what thousands of fairies look like, would see the sky and think all the shimmering lights are stars. In reality, these are the fairies celebrating life and nature as they do every night. None of them ever took the sky for granted. Rain, a young fairy was particularly fascinated by the sky. The sky was her happiness. She depended on the sky, and with good reason. The sky would never leave, or so she thought.

One night Rain was waiting, along with thousands of others for their favorite part of the day. Anxiously awaiting the famous Pixie Hollow sky. All of a sudden, a loud boom shook the entire area. All of the trees shivered, the flowers quit singing, and the fairies quit dancing. The sky was black. No one could see their own hand in front of their face. It was as if the light of the world had been shut off. Weeping could be heard from every direction, some worried mothers were shouting, searching for their children, panicking because they could no longer see anything. Rain couldn’t stand it anymore. She couldn’t wait around for people to calm down. She did the only thing she knew to do, she took matters into her own hands.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lovely, fantastical place. I like the idea of Rain as a personified character.
