Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Photo Hunt

Someone who makes me laugh/smile: Hannah Bond is one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my entire life. She never fails to make my day and I'm always laughing or smiling when I'm around her. 

Something Handwritten A board in Mrs. R's English classroom. 

Something from nature: This plant never fails to get caught on my shirt or backpack when I'm heading up to Snyders room. 

Someone I'd like to be more like: Mrs. Peck was one of my favorite teachers at Kickapoo. She teaches what she needs to but she also makes everything so fun. I'm so comfortable around her and can talk to her about practically anything. I want to teach someday and I want to be like her. 

A Book: There was no way I could choose just one book to take a picture of so I just took a whole shelf. Books have always been such a huge part of my life and there's just never enough time to read everything I want to.
Something that Annoys me: NONE OF THE SINKS IN THIS SCHOOL WORK. OUR BATHROOM IS SO GROSS AND IT'S LITERALLY FALLING APART. I'd really appreciate being able to wash my hands with normal water pressure or better yet be able to LOCK MY DOOR WHEN I USE THE RESTROOM.
This is something that will always remind me of Kickapoo. My first day of highs school I had to walk up these stairs to get to my history class. I was terrified. Not of the mural just of the idea of high school. I remember walking up those stairs and the only thing I could think was, "dude i wonder how long that took"

Something round: The EMPTY vending machine slots. (Look at the lil baby spider  at the top)

Something Beautiful: Not only does the quote Mikala is taking a picture of mention beautiful, but Mikala is beautiful as well, inside and out.

1 comment:

  1. I recognize that bookshelf! I enjoyed this post, Ansley! Thanks!
